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Our Lady of the Snows School has numerous ways for families and friends to get involved, Fundraising, Volunteering, and, our Family School Association. Let's make our community stronger together. 

Click the links below to learn more. 

Proceso de inscripción de la aplicación


Each family will be assessed a $250 fundraising fee for the year. This fee may be lowered or eliminated by participating in any of the school-sponsored fundraisers. You will be credited an amount equal to the profit we make on each fundraiser. You can opt-out of participating in the various fundraisers and pay the $250 fundraising fee as a one time payment or with your 10 monthly tuition payments.

Fundraising Commitment Form

Proceso de inscripción de la aplicación


Volunteer Hours

  • Each family is required to complete 20 volunteer hours. A variety of opportunities exist throughout the school year to complete these hours such as helping out at lunch/recess, participating in FSA events, setting up and working the Book Fair, or lending a hand at our fundraisers throughout the year.

  • Families that complete all 20 volunteer hours will have a reduced fundraising obligation of $150.

  • *All families that receive any form of financial assistance (aid or scholarships) are required to complete an ADDITIONAL 20 volunteer hours. If these hours are not completed, the family will forfeit his/her financial assistance and be required to pay back the school the amount they were given in financial assistance.*


  • VIRTUS Training - VIRTUS is a program created by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group in the United States with a "Protecting God's Children" component that combats sexual abuse of children in the Church. It is currently in use in over 80 dioceses in the United States including the Chicago Archdiocese. All volunteers, chaperones and employees over the age of 18 must be VIRTUS trained.

  • To begin this process, please create an account on

  • All parent volunteers must complete a Criminal Background Check, CANTS 689 form, Protecting God's Children Online Training, Mandated Reporting Training, CANTS 22A form, and ASB form. -- All forms and certificates must be turned in to Mrs. Pat Gonzalez to approve compliance prior to volunteering.

 Safe Environment Compliance Guidelines Chart

Look at the "School Volunteers" section on the chart for requirements.

Proceso de inscripción de la aplicación


As with many other schools, Our Lady of the Snows has an organization similar to a PTA, called the Family School Association. The FSA exists to provide opportunities for students, parents, teachers, families, and the administration to work together in support of our wonderful school. FSA events and activities give both the students and the adults who care for them a chance to come together and build friendships within a supportive community. The FSA is open to all parish members and families.

Events and Fundraisers

  • FSA organizes events and fundraisers throughout the year both during and after school. Through the support of dedicated parents, the school /FSA team has been very successful. The FSA is a non-profit organization. All money raised goes back to the children, teachers or school in some form. In past years, the FSA has purchased computers, lighting for the hallways, a laminator, security cameras, die cuts and other supplies for the teachers, gifts for teachers and students, T-shirts for the 8th grade, and magazines for classroom use.​​​

  • The FSA sponsors and/or hosts many events throughout the year to benefit our school community including:

    • Movie Night

    • Father/Daughter & Mother/Son Dinner Dance

    • Haunted House

    • Holiday Bazaar

    • Breakfast with Santa

    • Teacher Luncheon

    • Sip & Paint

    • Karaoke Night

    • Comedy Cantina

    • Loteria Family Night

    • Student Appreciation Day

    • End of the Year Party

Scholarship Program

  • The FSA also awards four $500.00 scholarships for a total of $2,000.00 each year. The goal of this scholarship is to increase parent and student involvement and to reward those families and students who work hard to make Our Lady of the Snows a successful and viable school. All of the criteria must be met in order for any student and family to become eligible for this scholarship. See the FSA President for criteria details.


If you are interested in volunteering with or becoming a member of FSA, please contact the school office (773) 735-4810 or

FSA Meetings 24-25

FSA Membership Form

Upcoming FSA Events 24-25

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